Source code for audit_tools.audit.middleware

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import datetime
import re
import itertools
import traceback
import logging

from bson.json_util import loads

from audit_tools.audit.cache import cache
from audit_tools.audit.decorators import CheckActivate
from audit_tools.audit import settings
from audit_tools.audit.tasks import save_access
from audit_tools.audit.models.models_factory import create_access, update_access
from audit_tools.audit.utils import request_to_dict, import_providers, extract_process_data, fix_dict

    from ebury_interlink.cache import get_access_interlink_id
except ImportError:
    get_access_interlink_id = lambda: None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AuditMiddleware(object): """Middleware for audit logging """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Attributes self._blacklisted = False self._disabled = False self._view = {} self._time = {} self._user = None self._process = None self._access = None self._response = {} self._exception = {} # Dynamic import of provider functions self._providers = import_providers() @CheckActivate
[docs] def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs): """Preprocess request. :param request: Http request. :type request: django.http.HttpRequest :param view_func: View. :type view_func: callable :param view_args: View arguments. :type view_args: list :param view_kwargs: View keyword arguments. :type view_kwargs: dict :return: None """ self._disabled = getattr(view_func, 'disable_audit', False) if not self._disabled: try: view_data = self._extract_view_data(view_func, view_args, view_kwargs) self._blacklisted = self._check_blacklist(request.path, view_data['app']) msg = "<Process View> View:%s %s", view_data['full_name'], 'BlackList' if self._blacklisted else '' logger.debug(msg) if not self._blacklisted: self._view = view_data user = self._extract_user_data(request) # Time self._time = { 'request':, 'response': None } # Interlink ID interlink_id = get_access_interlink_id() # Create access access = { 'interlink_id': interlink_id, 'request': request_to_dict(request), 'response': None, 'time': self._time, 'view': self._view, 'user': user, 'custom': None, } # Extract process data self._process = extract_process_data() # Save Access self._access = create_access(access, self._process) cache.set_last_access(self._access) if not settings.RUN_ASYNC: save_access(self._access) else: save_access.apply_async((self._access, ))"<Process View> View:%s", self._view['full_name']) logger.debug("View:%s", str(self._view)) except Exception: logger.exception("<Process View>") return None
[docs] def process_response(self, request, response): """Postprocess response. :param request: Http request. :type request: django.http.HttpRequest :param response: Response. :type response: django.http.HttpResponse :return: None """ try: if self._blacklisted: logger.debug("<Process Response> View:%s %s", str(self._view), 'BlackList') elif self._disabled: logger.debug("<Process Response> View:%s %s", str(self._view), 'Disabled') else: logger.debug("<Process Response> View:%s", str(self._view)) if not self._blacklisted and not self._disabled: # Response self._response = self._extract_response_data(response) # Time self._time['response'] = # Providers custom = {app: f(request) for app, f in self._providers.iteritems()} custom = {k: v for k, v in custom.iteritems() if v is not None and len(v) > 0} # Save Access and Process self._access = update_access(self._access, response=self._response, time=self._time, custom=custom) if not settings.RUN_ASYNC: save_access(self._access) else: save_access.apply_async((self._access, ))"<Process Response> View:%s", self._view['full_name']) except Exception: logger.exception("<Process Response>") return response
[docs] def process_exception(self, request, exception): """Postprocess exception. :param request: Http request. :type request: django.http.HttpRequest :param exception: Response. :type exception: Exception :return: None """ try: if self._blacklisted: logger.debug("<Process Exception> View:%s %s", str(self._view), 'BlackList') elif self._disabled: logger.debug("<Process Exception> View:%s %s", str(self._view), 'Disabled') else: logger.debug("<Process Exception> View:%s", str(self._view)) if not self._blacklisted and not self._disabled: # Time self._time['response'] = # Providers custom = {app: f(request) for app, f in self._providers.iteritems()} custom = {k: v for k, v in custom.iteritems() if v is not None and len(v) > 0} self._exception = self._extract_exception_data(exception) # Save Access and Process self._access = update_access(self._access, time=self._time, custom=custom, exception=self._exception) if not settings.RUN_ASYNC: save_access(self._access) else: save_access.apply_async((self._access, ))"<Process Exception> View:%s Message:%s", self._view['full_name'], exception.message) except Exception: logger.exception("<Process Exception>") return None
def _check_blacklist(self, path, app=''): """Check if path is blacklisted according to BLACKLIST variable in settings. :param path: URL path. :type path: str :param app: App. :type app: str :return: True if blacklisted. :rtype: bool """ blacklisted = False if app in settings.BLACKLIST: regexs = itertools.chain(settings.BLACKLIST[app], settings.BLACKLIST.get('', ())) else: regexs = settings.BLACKLIST.get('', ()) for regex in (r for r in regexs if not blacklisted): r = re.compile(r'({})'.format(regex)) s = blacklisted = s is not None and (len(s.groups()) > 0) return blacklisted def _extract_view_data(self, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs): """Extract view data that will be stored in Access model. :param view_func: Function or method that act as a Django view. :type view_func: function :param view_args: View args. :type view_args: list :param view_kwargs: View kwargs. :type view_kwargs: dict :return: Extracted data. :rtype: dict """ try: name = view_func.__self__.__class__.__name__ except AttributeError: name = view_func.__name__ full_name = view_func.__module__ + '.' + name app = full_name.split('.', 1)[0] return { 'full_name': full_name, 'app': app, 'name': name, 'args': view_args, 'kwargs': view_kwargs, } def _extract_user_data(self, request): """Extract user data from a request. :param request: Django request. :type request: django.http.HttpRequest :return: Extracted data. :rtype: dict """ try: user_id = or -1 user_username = request.user.username or 'Anonymous' except: user_id = -1 user_username = 'Anonymous' return { 'id': user_id, 'username': user_username, } def _extract_response_data(self, response): """Extract response data. :param response: Django http response object. :type response: django.http.HttpResponse :return: Extracted data. :rtype: dict """ try: content_type = response.get('Content-Type', '') ct = content_type.lower() if 'json' in ct: response_content = loads(response._container[0]) elif 'xml' in ct: response_content = response._container[0].decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') else: response_content = None except: response_content = None return { 'content': fix_dict(response_content), 'type': response.get('Content-Type', ''), 'status_code': response.status_code, } def _extract_exception_data(self, exception): """Extract exception data. :param exception: Exception object. :type exception: Exception :return: Extracted data. :rtype: dict """ return { 'type': exception.__class__.__name__, 'message': unicode(exception.message), 'trace': traceback.format_exc(), }
def custom_provider(*args, **kwargs): """Custom provider default function. :return: {} """ return {} # pragma: no cover