Source code for audit_tools.audit.models.process

from __future__ import unicode_literals
"""Audit Process model"""

from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible
from mongoengine import Document, StringField, IntField, DateTimeField

from audit_tools.audit import settings

__all__ = ['Process']

[docs]class Process(Document): """Represents a process that launch a django management command. Contains the following structure: :cvar name: Process name. :cvar args: Process args. :cvar machine: Machine that launched this process. :cvar user: User that launched this process. :cvar pid: Process pid. :cvar creation_time: Time when process was launched. """ interlink_id = StringField() name = StringField(required=True) args = StringField() machine = StringField(required=True) user = StringField(required=True) pid = IntField(required=True, unique_with=('machine', 'creation_time')) creation_time = DateTimeField(required=True) # Metadata meta = { 'collection': 'audit_process', 'indexes': [ 'interlink_id', ('pid', 'machine', '-creation_time') ], 'app_label': 'audit', 'db_alias': settings.DB_ALIAS, }
[docs] def items(self): """List items in form (key, value). :return: list(tuple()) """ return self.to_mongo().items()
[docs] def verbose_str(self): """Verbose string representation. :return: Verbose string representation. :rtype: str """ return "Process {} with pid {:d} run by {} on {} ({})".format(,, self.user, self.machine, self.creation_time)
def __str__(self): return "Process{{{}, pid:{:d}, user:{}, machine:{}, creation_time:{}}}".format(,, self.user, self.machine, self.creation_time)